Only by His Grace

Today, I want to share my journey till I'm officially a pharmacist.:) Yup, on September 12th 2015, I got my pharmacist. Then on Sept 22nd 2015, I'll have my pharmacist vow ceremony ^^ Yey! Finally, during 5 years, I'm a pharmacist, a legal drug dealer. Well, let's story begin. For the first time, I take the faculty of pharmacy at one of the famous private university in Surabaya. At that time, I hate a lot every subjects in pharmacy, except the chemist and physics. Well, I strugled for 2 years, and the 3rd years (5th semester), I fell in love with pharmacy. But, on mid of September 2012, I lost my beloved uncle who supported me a lot and push me to love pharmacy. In a short, my love in pharmacy got deeper and deeper. *blushing* I took my essay in medicinal chemistry and pharmacology, I've finished 1st-3rd chapter, but for a reason I left it and changed to pharmaceuticals in cosmetology about microemulsion for antiaging serum. I did the trial and error to find t...