Only by His Grace
Today, I want to share my journey till I'm officially a pharmacist.:)
Yup, on September 12th 2015, I got my pharmacist. Then on Sept 22nd 2015, I'll have my pharmacist vow ceremony ^^ Yey! Finally, during 5 years, I'm a pharmacist, a legal drug dealer.

Well, let's story begin. For the first time, I take the faculty of pharmacy at one of the famous private university in Surabaya. At that time, I hate a lot every subjects in pharmacy, except the chemist and physics. Well, I strugled for 2 years, and the 3rd years (5th semester), I fell in love with pharmacy. But, on mid of September 2012, I lost my beloved uncle who supported me a lot and push me to love pharmacy. In a short, my love in pharmacy got deeper and deeper. *blushing*
I took my essay in medicinal chemistry and pharmacology, I've finished 1st-3rd chapter, but for a reason I left it and changed to pharmaceuticals in cosmetology about microemulsion for antiaging serum. I did the trial and error to find the right formula of the microemulsion, everyday I went to laboratory, to do the research. Start in the morning till evening, sometimes until night (around 8.00 p.m). And when we found the right formula, we must do scalling up. Yeah, the new record... 15 hours at laboratory! What a day?! hahaha. Start from 8.00 a.m until 11.00 p.m. Doing the packaging and labelling, then record everything the trials for stability about 3 months. And on my last day on making all reports to get my essay defence, I did the last revision only 1 days 1 night! Even this day, I can't believe I did that! It's only by His Grace, I got finished it.
Then the essay strugle was finished on August 5th 2014. I got A for my essay!Praise the Lord!! And I graduated as bachelor pharmacy on Sept 27th 2014. :))
My journey was not finished yet, I took the phamarcist profession program for a year. The lecture began on Sept 1st 2014. Theory lecturing for 3 months and test for 1 month, then 4 internship such as Pharmacy (Drugstore), Administration/ Government, Major Industry/ Major Clinical at Hospital and Minor Industry/ MinorClinical at Hospital.
I'll tell one by one for those internship, here we go (please be patient to read it, you'll find how Great is our God!)
1. Pharmacy (Drugstore)
At the first time when we did the lottery of pharmacy, I got the private one. But, my friend and I exchanged, so I got my internship at the biggest retail chain pharmacy in Indonesia. Yeah, I'm so proud I could got it. Eventhough, many tasks and we should held some social service outside Surabaya. But.... I were so happy, I could know and communicate to the patients needs and to others healthcare professionals. Yeah, for this internship... my health was unwell, I got my first Ranitidine iv due to gastritis and oral therapy for couple weeks. TT.TT
Most of it, I notice, how God works on my life. The defence of pharmacy internship, I could pass it, I learn a lot from the pharmacist, doctors, and patients. The way I studying except from the theory... I got from real cases, questions from others and the teachers. Thanks God and people who help me studying prepare it. *^^*
2. Administration/ Government
The special moment was the day we went to Puskesmas Waru at Kabupaten Pamekasan, Madura. The journey... wow! We went up to the mountain, small village, the roads wasn't that good and a bit thriller.. Yeah, I can't believe, we got the place that we can said almost a remote area due to the transportation to reach there you must watch how you drive your motorcycle or cars. Meanwhile we went by bus through rough, small, and winding roads. So sad, my gastritis relapse. I suffered until at night TT.TT
Eventhough I was drop, I could see how I should try my best to help people around me. I met some internship doctor and dentist, technical pharmacists and nurses, they helped people there with passion and did their best. :D I'm so proud of them. They inspired me more, how to be a good pharmacist.
3. Major Industrial and 4. Minor Clinical at Hospital
My 2 friends and I weren't get the place to do the internship major industrial. The faculty, our student chief and us were strugling to do the best so we could get a industry. But, 2 weeks we waited and nothing happened. Meanwhile the others was in their internship sessions. Then oneday, we got a calling that we were exchange the period of major and minor internship. So we got the minor clinical at hospital first, and of course... for preparation before our first day internship began, yeah... they said that everything incidental can't be prepared as well as organized. Nope.... we didn't give up and push ourself to get the best, so when the first day started, we did our best and better in each day till our last internship. I got many things studied, and this is it! I got my calling, my passion! I'm falling in love with clinical pharmacist, and that's my goal to have worked at hospital or clinic. I love to meet up and communicate with patients (especially), pharmacists, technical pharmacists, doctors and nurses. I don't know why, for that time I wish I can stay longer for internship at hospital.
Fyi, on our second last days of internship, we got call that on the day after tomorrow we must send letter and start our first day at a pharmacy industry. wow! Such a quick changing! hahaha, Yeah, we got the industry, and we get knew the humblest and smart plant manager of it. I can see how the hard worker and of course prayer, you can get your dreams come true! I am conviced more by the plant manager's life story. I'm so proud of him :DD
After those tiring, ups and downs internships, my friends and I must pass the HER. Then we did it, next... we wait for the result on yudisium. A night before yudisium, we got some bad news, some of my friends were reported they couldn't pass the pharmacist profession program. Oh man?!! They were our friends for a years and 5 years. I were so sad, and I doubted mine too. Can I pass it God? Am I doing my best? Do I have the right to be a pharmacist? How can I do to help my friends? TT.TT
You know guys, at the lowest limit point of yourself, you want give up, cried, anger, etc... yeah I had those, I'm still a human, my flesh is weak, meanwhile my faith tells me to trust God. He knows the best, not ourself. Everything is under HIS control.
He says in :
Yup, on September 12th 2015, I got my pharmacist. Then on Sept 22nd 2015, I'll have my pharmacist vow ceremony ^^ Yey! Finally, during 5 years, I'm a pharmacist, a legal drug dealer.

Well, let's story begin. For the first time, I take the faculty of pharmacy at one of the famous private university in Surabaya. At that time, I hate a lot every subjects in pharmacy, except the chemist and physics. Well, I strugled for 2 years, and the 3rd years (5th semester), I fell in love with pharmacy. But, on mid of September 2012, I lost my beloved uncle who supported me a lot and push me to love pharmacy. In a short, my love in pharmacy got deeper and deeper. *blushing*
I took my essay in medicinal chemistry and pharmacology, I've finished 1st-3rd chapter, but for a reason I left it and changed to pharmaceuticals in cosmetology about microemulsion for antiaging serum. I did the trial and error to find the right formula of the microemulsion, everyday I went to laboratory, to do the research. Start in the morning till evening, sometimes until night (around 8.00 p.m). And when we found the right formula, we must do scalling up. Yeah, the new record... 15 hours at laboratory! What a day?! hahaha. Start from 8.00 a.m until 11.00 p.m. Doing the packaging and labelling, then record everything the trials for stability about 3 months. And on my last day on making all reports to get my essay defence, I did the last revision only 1 days 1 night! Even this day, I can't believe I did that! It's only by His Grace, I got finished it.
Then the essay strugle was finished on August 5th 2014. I got A for my essay!Praise the Lord!! And I graduated as bachelor pharmacy on Sept 27th 2014. :))
My journey was not finished yet, I took the phamarcist profession program for a year. The lecture began on Sept 1st 2014. Theory lecturing for 3 months and test for 1 month, then 4 internship such as Pharmacy (Drugstore), Administration/ Government, Major Industry/ Major Clinical at Hospital and Minor Industry/ MinorClinical at Hospital.
I'll tell one by one for those internship, here we go (please be patient to read it, you'll find how Great is our God!)
1. Pharmacy (Drugstore)
At the first time when we did the lottery of pharmacy, I got the private one. But, my friend and I exchanged, so I got my internship at the biggest retail chain pharmacy in Indonesia. Yeah, I'm so proud I could got it. Eventhough, many tasks and we should held some social service outside Surabaya. But.... I were so happy, I could know and communicate to the patients needs and to others healthcare professionals. Yeah, for this internship... my health was unwell, I got my first Ranitidine iv due to gastritis and oral therapy for couple weeks. TT.TT
Most of it, I notice, how God works on my life. The defence of pharmacy internship, I could pass it, I learn a lot from the pharmacist, doctors, and patients. The way I studying except from the theory... I got from real cases, questions from others and the teachers. Thanks God and people who help me studying prepare it. *^^*
2. Administration/ Government
The special moment was the day we went to Puskesmas Waru at Kabupaten Pamekasan, Madura. The journey... wow! We went up to the mountain, small village, the roads wasn't that good and a bit thriller.. Yeah, I can't believe, we got the place that we can said almost a remote area due to the transportation to reach there you must watch how you drive your motorcycle or cars. Meanwhile we went by bus through rough, small, and winding roads. So sad, my gastritis relapse. I suffered until at night TT.TT
Eventhough I was drop, I could see how I should try my best to help people around me. I met some internship doctor and dentist, technical pharmacists and nurses, they helped people there with passion and did their best. :D I'm so proud of them. They inspired me more, how to be a good pharmacist.
3. Major Industrial and 4. Minor Clinical at Hospital
My 2 friends and I weren't get the place to do the internship major industrial. The faculty, our student chief and us were strugling to do the best so we could get a industry. But, 2 weeks we waited and nothing happened. Meanwhile the others was in their internship sessions. Then oneday, we got a calling that we were exchange the period of major and minor internship. So we got the minor clinical at hospital first, and of course... for preparation before our first day internship began, yeah... they said that everything incidental can't be prepared as well as organized. Nope.... we didn't give up and push ourself to get the best, so when the first day started, we did our best and better in each day till our last internship. I got many things studied, and this is it! I got my calling, my passion! I'm falling in love with clinical pharmacist, and that's my goal to have worked at hospital or clinic. I love to meet up and communicate with patients (especially), pharmacists, technical pharmacists, doctors and nurses. I don't know why, for that time I wish I can stay longer for internship at hospital.
Fyi, on our second last days of internship, we got call that on the day after tomorrow we must send letter and start our first day at a pharmacy industry. wow! Such a quick changing! hahaha, Yeah, we got the industry, and we get knew the humblest and smart plant manager of it. I can see how the hard worker and of course prayer, you can get your dreams come true! I am conviced more by the plant manager's life story. I'm so proud of him :DD
After those tiring, ups and downs internships, my friends and I must pass the HER. Then we did it, next... we wait for the result on yudisium. A night before yudisium, we got some bad news, some of my friends were reported they couldn't pass the pharmacist profession program. Oh man?!! They were our friends for a years and 5 years. I were so sad, and I doubted mine too. Can I pass it God? Am I doing my best? Do I have the right to be a pharmacist? How can I do to help my friends? TT.TT
You know guys, at the lowest limit point of yourself, you want give up, cried, anger, etc... yeah I had those, I'm still a human, my flesh is weak, meanwhile my faith tells me to trust God. He knows the best, not ourself. Everything is under HIS control.
He says in :
Jeremiah 29:11New King James Version (NKJV)
11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Hey cyn! That's God's promise for you, so why do you worry? Worry will affect you and drag you deeper into your negativity!!! Have faith for yourself and your friends, go pray! Yeah, all of us keep praying. You know... on the yudisium day, my friends who have faith that they can graduate in this year, the got it. Meanwhile, there's some couldn't make it. I can't say any words toward them, I just can say... God know the better and the best plans for each of us. :) I pray for you guys, next periode you'll graduate as pharmacist. :D Keep doing your best and keep your faith in HIM :)
So this is the end of my pharmacist profession story, but not the end of my pharmacist journey. See you next time, for sharing God's goodness in my life. God bless you all. ^^* xoxo
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