Love is
Happy Valentine's day everyone!
Who said that Valentine's is only for couple?
I think valentine is for everyone, yes, for your parents, your siblings, your friends, even your enemies. Just spread the love, not hate! hahaha
The world is created first by The Eternal Love from our Masterpiece God. Had you remembered the first day you born in this world, your first language is LOVE, doesn't it? Even back on the first day your mommy was pregnant you in her womb. Your mom who gavebirth you, she has in love with you before you and her meet face to face.
So you know, there's some ways to show your love? yeah, we called it love language.
Here are the love language:
1. Words of affirmation
2. Acts of service
3. Receiving gifts
4. Quality time
5. Physical touch
Well, those are the love language, and what is the simplest thing and the first thing duty of love?
The answer is to listen. Most of the cruel in this world happens due to no willing to listen to others first before speak up your own.
So, guys,, let's begin to listen to others first before you can go on with other love language.... <3
Have a lovely day, and everyday is valentine day... show and spread love to everyone like Jesus loves everyone of us :)
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